

Look forward to see or seeing?

I look forward to seeing you or I look forward to see you. Which one is correct? The correct answer is: I look forward to seeing you (Ik kijk er naar uit om jou te zien). Here’s the rule: Look forward to + verb + ing For example: I look forward to hearing from you […]



How to translate ‘Gefeliciteerd met…’ into English

Welcome back. Today I’d like to draw your attention to a common mistake made when translating literally from Dutch into English using ‘gefeliciteerd met’.  In English we congratulate someone on something, not with something. For example: Congratulations on your fantastic grade for English. Congratulate can also have the following structure: verb + object + on + […]



Welcome ‘to’, not welcome ‘in’

Welcome back to my blog. I’m staying on the same theme again today: ‘Welcome’ followed by an incorrect preposition. We now know that ‘Welcome at’ is incorrect. Well, so is ‘Welcome in’. I believe that the confusion arises from directly translating the Dutch ‘Welkom in’. Let’s recap: In English we say ‘Welcome to my house’. Welcome at & Welcome in […]



Why are graduations caps square?

Here is a very old photo of me taken at my graduation ceremony in 1996, proudly wearing my graduation cap (very similar to the cap the logo I use for Deane’s English). The official name for such a cap is a mortarboard: a square board for a handle used for holding and carrying masonry mortar. Not the […]



Welcome to my blog

Welcome to Deane’s English and my very first blog entry. I took this photo at Schiphol Airport a couple of weeks ago because I was very surprised by the incorrect use of the preposition ‘at’. In English we never say ‘Welcome at or Welcome in…’. We always say: Welcome to…Welcome to Schiphol, welcome to my house, […]

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